Monday, October 19, 2009

Whatever it takes...

This is our new routine-we meet Charb at the Oak Tree parking lot at 6:15 a.m. and bring the babies to our house, then we meet Kelly back there at 4:15 p.m. and send them home. Not the ideal situation, as childcare goes, but we will do whatever it takes to help take care of them.
Parker holding Ava
If you want to have a day pass quickly, borrow a set of twins! Your day will fly by, and before you know it, it's 1:00 in the afternoon and you haven't showered, let alone put on make-up or read the paper. Thank goodness there are two of us. Papa is such a big help keeping these girls happy, and can work magic in getting them into a deep sleep (as well as himself). We bought a swing from Des' sister, that was a life saver. Rielee was happy to see the twins today, and held them both for a few minutes before getting busy with her stuff. We did a Halloween craft and Papa took her to the library, oh, and she took one of her leisurely mid-day baths with her Barbies, always good entertainment for her.

Rielee holding Harper

As soon as Parker and Auna got home, they both wanted to hold the babies, too.
I noticed more today how Harper seems a little more sensitive to noises, and she really likes to be wrapped up in a blanket, too. She also likes to be held up where she can look around, and is very strong and wiry. I told Steve today that I thought she might crawl and walk first. Ava is a little calmer overall, maybe because she is bigger and more filled out. It is going to be so much fun to see how these two develop.

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