Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Parker and Auna

Parker and Auna have really been getting along well lately. Maybe since they are going on 10 yrs. old and settling down a bit. I spoke to their teacher at one of the volleyball matches and she said they like to work together in school. They have had almost a sibling relationship, having been together nearly every day of their lives, and have their moments when they don't like each other, but it seems that this year they are more like friends. Unless,when James is around, and they argue over who will get his attention, or Rielee is playing with Auna and Parker wants to join in! Whenever there are 3 kids playing, someone is always out of the loop.
But they are the greatest kids, funny, mischevious, and full of energy. And they both have that nice, thick dark brown hair. So many kids in this family, it is so nice that so many of them are close to their cousins.

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