Thursday, October 29, 2009

An easy day

I went down to Camas to watch Ava and Harper today. It was a very easy day, they ate about a half an hour apart, and had only a couple of moments where they were fussy at the same time. Even then, they were easy to calm down, and just so full of smiles. I got to see Luke and Lexi for a few minutes in the morning, gave them some Halloween candy and the babies got formula for their Halloween "treat".
Got a laugh when I got home, not from a child but from my husband. He said he kept hearing a beep off and on all day and figured it must be one of the smoke detectors, even though he changed the batteries only a month or so ago. So he dragged out the foot stool and changed them again. Then we hear the beep--it was his cell phone, he had a text message. This after I left him a message on the answering machine this morning, as did Cathy and he couldn't figure out how to listen to those he technologically challenged or what?

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