Friday, October 16, 2009

Day two with the twins

Okay, this was the first day of watching the twins by myself. Got there about 10, they slept until about 11:00 and then-wo0-both woke up screamin' hungry! So, got the bottles made and put Ava in the bouncer and propped up her bottle, and sat on the floor holding Harper. That worked great, for about a minute, then I noticed Ava's bottle fell over, and when I reached to pick it up I noticed she was damp-the lid was loose and formula had spilled all down the front of her. So now I have a mad and wet baby, and don't have any idea how much she drank and how much she is wearing...had to lay Harper down to deal with Ava, so she was mad, she wanted her bottle back. Ava finished what she had left and started crying so I made her a couple more ounces, she drank a little but was still unhappy so I stripped her down thinking she probably felt cold, but when I picked her up she spit up on me and Harper's blanket. Then I had to run up stairs to get her a change of clothes, twice, since the first time I grabbed a too-small outfit. Then Harper wanted some attention--See Grandma run,
run, Grandma, run...

But we all survived and I managed to get them settled down finally, then I did a load of their laundry.
Their next feeding went much smoother. Had the bottles ready to go and started Harper before she was super hungry, got her burped and settled down in the swing and then fed Ava.
This twin business isn't for sissies, but one little smile from one of them makes it all worthwhile.

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