Friday, October 30, 2009

Easy babies

Another easy day with the twins, or are we are just getting used to having them around? They eat, sleep, smile, stare at us and look around a lot. The only crying we hear is when I change their clothes for their bathes. Harper especially gets so upset, her little face gets beet red she screams so hard. But, as soon as she's dressed, she's fine and happy again.

I took their picture in the onesies that Des' Aunt embroidered with their names, and in the picture of Rielee, she is wearing the "spider" hat she made in pre-school, and, no, it didn't scare me!

We took the girls back down to Camas and met Kelly at Union, she came out dressed as "Kate" with 8 baby dolls pinned all over the front of her and her hair spiked up in the back, she looked just like her, it was funny. Lexi was going to her first middle-school dance today.
I think the kids are overly ready for Halloween, I got a prank call from a heavy breather that sounded suspiciously like Parker or James. Parker came over a few minutes later and confessed. Then Rielee called and asked if I could make her a cheerleader skirt like I made Macee for Halloween years ago, they were going through their old costumes. She said she is wearing Macee's old skirt to the football game tonight, her Mom is going to pin it so it will fit her. She really enjoys dressing up for the games.

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