Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Life As Grandma

Today was our first day watching the twins. I say "our" because I took Steve with me for the first day so I good have some "break-in" time and get used to Charb and Kelly's house and where everything was and the babie's routines, etc.

You can see what a help he was to me...

Simply put, they are great babies, there are just two of them, which is going to make watching them a challenge, but one I am so happily ready for...

They woke up about 7:30, ready to eat, both gobbled down their bottles, then back to sleep until 10. From then on, I lost track of the times of feeding, changing, holding. One would be sleeping peacefully, the other awake, then vice versa. I only had one time when Steve was napping in the other room and both were crying at the same time, so I would pick one up and settle her down and then put her back down and pick up the other one, back and forth. It was funny. But all in all, they were very considerate of us, and took turns needing attention. They are starting to look around a lot, in fact, if you try to lay Harper on her tummy on your chest to get her to sleep, she will squirm around until she can see your face.

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