Friday, October 23, 2009

The forgotten diaper bag

In our baby transfering rush this morning, (which has been likened to some kind of clandestine drug deal in the dark parking lot) we managed to leave the diaper bag in Charb's truck. I blame it on the carseat bases. We found one carseat base on Craigslist, and are borrowing another from Rick and Heather, which will make the transfer much easier, it's the bases which are a hassle, taking them out of Charb's truck and hooking them up in our car. They have hooks on them which you have to tether to hooks under the car seat, then tighten the strap, it is not an easy process. But you would think with 3 adults, one of us would remember. Fortunately, not having the diaper bag isn't a huge deal since we have the bottles we bought a couple of days ago and formula and diapers. They just get to wear their nightgowns all day. Kelly was cool about it, she said she wished she could wear her jammies all day, too.
David was off today, so he and Laury came over to get a twin-baby fix. They fed them, a new experience for Laury, bottle-feeding a baby.

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