Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bead soup

Wednesday is Rielee's day off from pre-school, so we had her and the twins. Papa had an early morning dental appt., so it was just us girls for a couple of hours. She wanted to play Mom and sisters in the playroom, her being the Mom of the twins and me. I asked her who her husband was, she said, well, it's Papa, but don't tell him. I asked her what her job was and she said she was a teacher, and that she taught bigger kids to be nice to little kids. At one point, she wanted me to put Harper in the Play and Pak, so I did. Then she noticed a little drooling going on, so she got a kleenex and was starting to crawl in there with Harper. I stopped her and told her if she fell accidentally on the baby, she might hurt her, and that it was my job to always protect the babies. She said, "you mean like from lions attacking them and tigers, too?" - and then proceeded to show me some karate moves and said she would help me protect them. It is always interesting to hear how her little mind works...

Then she decided she wanted to make a bead bracelet, so we got out all the beads. She asked for a bowl to put them in, and then forgot about the bead stringing and spent the rest of the day pretending it was "Bead Soup" and pretending to feed the babies and us her special soup. Well, this worked quite well until the afternoon when first she knocked over the bowl, spilling half of the beads. Then, not 5 minutes later, she dropped the entire bowl, spilling her beads everywhere. Papa was, not surprisingly, very understanding of both spills, and helped her sweep and pick them all up.
In comparison to Rielee, Ava and Harper were really easy babies today. They eat now about every 3 or so hours and take usually 3 ounces of formula, although at one feeding today Harper ate 4 ounces. They took a good nap and even slept together for a little while on the floor, I think the wood stove might have had something to do with it.

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