Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No bottles!?

When we picked up the babies this morning, Charb said they had last eaten at 3:30, so they would be getting hungry soon. Sure enough, halfway home they started to get upset, luckily they had binkies in the diaper bag and they latched on to those. As soon as we got home, I went to fix their bottles and found that we had everything else in the diaper bag but no bottles! Fortunately, it was just before 7, and Cascade would be open, so Papa went on a mad dash to buy them. By the time he got home, we had two very hungry girls, and they were a little frustrated with the bottles Papa bought, because the nipples were smaller, but they were hungry enough to adjust quickly to the change. Needless to say, Mom and Dad were very embarassed that they could overlook the bottles.
Rielee had to hold Harper when she got home and was sitting there quietly with her head down on Harper's, so Papa grabbed the camera and went to capture the moment, and boom, Rielee's head shot up and she posed, he took 4 pictures and she looked exactly the same in each one, she has perfected her little grin.
Went to the Volleyball match against LaCenter tonight, they won in 3. Macee and Tierney played really well, as did they rest of the team, of course.

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