Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rielee's boyfriend

A few days ago, Rielee came home from school and told Parker and Auna and I that a boy and girl in her class are now "boyfriend and girlfriend", big news at any age. Parker told her that perhaps she should think about getting a boyfriend in her class, and she was so put out, she told him "I have a boyfriend, KYLE!". He told her maybe it's time to get a boyfriend that is her own age, that Kyle would be an old man by the time she graduates. She said she didn't care, Kyle was her boyfriend and that was that, end of the conversation. So today she was working on some Halloween picture frames, and she said one was for Kyle, then we took a picture of her in her Halloween costume to put in it, and I'm thinking, wow, I can't imagine Kyle putting that up in his dorm room...but she is insistent that she wants to give it to him. "He'll probably pick me up and hug me when he gets it" she said.
Awhile back she came home from school with a picture she had colored for Kyle. She told Papa that she was going to give it to Kyle and then he would never break up with her...ahhh.

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