Monday, October 26, 2009


Ava started off the morning by throwing up her first bottle, which made her feel better because then she smiled and actually cooed at me. Charb said she was up most of the night and very fussy, so she must have had a tummy ache. Nothing made her happy except walking around, so we did a lot of that today. Harper also cooed for me, and they both are making lots of eye contact now which is fun.

Cathy brought Jillian up to see the babies, and she was happy to play with Rielee. Jillian was very interested in the baby's carseats (the buckles) and their bouncer, which is her old one, and actually let Rielee buckle her in to it. I was going to take a picture of them, but couldn't find my camera at the time. Got this picture of them putting the baby dolls in the bouncer though. Tried to get Jillian back in the bouncer for a picture, but she wouldn't cooperate.
I don't why that very serious wide-eyed picture of Ava and Harper came up sideways...

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