Friday, August 19, 2011

What is a "chichen"?

To give Parker and Auna something to do today I gave them some old paint and asked them to paint the pigeon wagon. I checked on them once and they were doing a good job. But then I looked out the window and they had painted the tires, too. Auna said it was Parker's idea, he thought it looked "cool". Oh well, the poor wagon is so old. Papa bought it years ago from a guy that used to haul his homing pigeons in it, we have put many miles on it hauling brush and firewood, and kids. Harper had us stumped this morning. Something happened to her foot while she was in the tub, one minute she was fine and then she started to cry and say "chichen" and point to it, we could not figure out what she was saying. She kept saying it, over and over and limping around on her heel. This went on for about an hour, we couldn't see anything on her foot, she wouldn't let us put a bandaid on it either, so finally Papa gave her the bandaid and she packed it around then ended up putting it on her ankle. Eventually, the "chichen" pain went away and she was bearing weight on her foot just fine.

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