Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rielee's haircut

Today was Rielee's last day of summer vacation. She let me to curl her hair since she was getting it cut in the afternoon. She has never wanted me to touch her hair, she always wanted to do it herself, that is until she went down to Aunt Cathy's and got some good do's from her. So yesterday when I asked if she wanted me to fix her hair, she said "no, I want Aunt Cathy to do it, she's an expert!" I guess today she felt sorry for me and finally let me curl it, that and the fact that I told her we would take before and after pix.Rielee's hair before A happy bunch of girls, today we went out and ran some races. Ava and Harper love to run. Ava always cracks us up with her little "chicken wing" left arm a-flying. She will probably really speed up once she starts using both arms...

Ava spotted some pumpkins in the garden.

Rielee's hair after

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