Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rielee overnight

Rielee spent the night with us so when the twins got here we sent them in to wake her up but they couldn't do it. Rielee needed to sleep a little longer. The girls were in a much better humor today and were happy and ready to play right away. Lately they have been playing with the Fisher Price dollhouse people, they especially like putting everyone to bed.

Rielee loves to cut flowers for her Mom, she cut one of these daisies to put in Ava's hair, but when she went to try to put it in, she noticed it had little bugs in it and the flower went flying. James and Alan came over to visit this morning and Harper really put on a show for them, dancing around and falling down, it was quite entertaining in a manic sort of way. Ava was nervous and didn't want to look at James until he offered her some "bum".
Alan later took the kids to the creek. Auna got to drive Alan's 4-wheeler down there while James rode in the wagon and Parker rode his.

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