Friday, August 12, 2011

Such sweeties

We get such a kick out of watching Ava and Harper play. Today Ava climbed up in the recliner and patted her lap for Harper to come and sit so she could hold her. When Harper sat down, Ava said "back" so Harper would lean back and their heads would touch. Priceless. Then it was Harper's turn to do the holding...

They slept in a little this morning, getting up about 7:30. It was too chilly to play outside so we entertained them in the house. Auna, Laury, David and Alan came over to visit. Laury brought them some fresh blueberries but neither one liked them. After lunch, they took a long nap and then the sun was out so they were able to play outside the rest of the time. They were upset that the pool was gone and they didn't have any water to play in, so Papa got the hose and filled up their watering cans so they could water the flowers. Instead, the chose to put rocks on the deck and rinse them off.

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