Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fun in the pool

Today was a perfect summer day, a little cool in the morning but it was warm enough to be outside by 10:30. Ava and Harper quickly managed to get their clothes soaked splashing around in and around their pool, so before long we put their swimsuits on and headed over to the big pool. Auna and Rielee were busy doing somersaults and handstands underwater and came up with these lovely pool hairdos!

Macee asked if I would take her picture with Ava, she had been holding her so she could kick her feet in the water. Macee said she loves Harper and Ava's pretty curly hair.

Harper was the first one in the water, wanting on the air mattress first and then she went in the little boat.

Ava wouldn't sit on the air mattress, she wanted to sit on the tubes and hang onto the handles.

I think they would stay in the pool all day, but by noon they were looking a little worn out and getting fussy from hunger so we headed inside for lunch and a nap.

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