Monday, August 8, 2011


Ava loves gum. She asks for it earlier every day, this morning it was right after breakfast. She goes to Papa and says sweetly, with her head slightly cocked to the side "bum, Papa, bum?" and then shakes her head up and down. He cannot refuse her and gives them both half a piece, telling them "now chew it, don't swallow it". Yeah, right, like any little kid does that. Last Friday she asked while they were in the tub and he gave it to them! There is no pretending anymore, not that ever was, that these two don't have him wrapped tightly around their little fingers...
Harper especially has taken to Papa, I can't do anything for her anymore, he has to change her diapers, dress her, put her in and out of the tub, in and out of the highchair, in and out of her carseat, etc. Everything. (He would feel really special except he knows that she does the same thing with her Papa Mike.) Fortunately Ava doesn't care as much and I can do some things for her! It must be a twin thing.

Ava, so happy she got gum!

Having a little snack outside

We went for a walk to see if Auna and Emmy were home but they weren't, we found their little trike over in their yard so they took turns pushing each other on the way back to our house.
Ava got the first turn.

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