Thursday, August 11, 2011


Twins are fun, except when they are both upset and throwing a fit, then they are deafening! This morning as we were unloading them from the car, Harper noticed the pool and wanted to go and play in it. I took her over to it, thinking she would change her mind once she felt how cold the water was. Wrong, she was so mad that she had to go inside that she lost it, and Ava was mad because she didn't get to go to the pool at all. After a couple of minutes of crying, they were up and playing like nothing was wrong. But what a loud and long couple of minutes! Jillian and Bridget came up to play today. Ava and Harper were already splashing around in the pool, we only had one swimsuit in their bag so Auna went over and found a couple of Rielee's old suits and Jillian and Harper wore those.

They had lots of fun on the hammock with Auna, in the playfort and on the slide, teeter-totter, and swinging. They ate lunch outside, too.

They all got along so well, Ava and Harper followed Jillian everywhere she went, trying very hard to climb up the ladder to the playfort like Jillian did but fortunately with the bottom step off they just can't do it.

Little Bridget isn't little anymore and is walking really well, what a cutie.

Jillian was swimming and splashing and having so much fun in the pool that Harper jumped right in to join her!
After Bridget and Jillian left, the girls took a long nap then they went back outside to play again. Auna blew bubbles with them and they dipped water out of the pool to pour on the driveway, that is still big entertainment for them.

Our entertainment for the night was watching the girls as they watched Wipeout with Papa. Every time someone would fall into the water, they would reinact it, making faces and throwing themselves on the floor!

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