Sunday, August 21, 2011

They love games

Our breakfast plans went awry this morning. We had planned on having a simple breakfast of cereal, oatmeal, toast or muffins and fruit. But when Grandpa asked Lindsey if she liked oatmeal she said it looked like puke...okay, so then I showed her the cereal we had and she didn't like either one of those. So we scrapped that menu for pancakes and sausage. Lindsey, Grandpa and Liann
They are busy girls and love to play games. Our morning entertainment was 13 games on Candy Land, 8 of which Liann won, Lindsey won 4, I won the last one. Then it was on to 3 games of Tumbling Monkeys before it was time for them to get ready to go. They left about noon driving back to San Diego, and will fly home to Japan next week. We miss them already.

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