Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Luke came up with his little sisters today. Parker was at a friend's house until 11, but Auna was here so he hung around with her and Rielee, plus he brought up his skateboard so he spent some time riding it. Once it warmed up, they all went swimming and after Parker got done with his hunter safety homework, they all hung out inside for awhile and then they hit the pool again. We took Ava and Harper over and they floated around on the air mattresses with Auna and Luke, but weren't real happy since the sun was in Harper's eyes and bothering her, and Ava thought the water was cold (which it was since we had to add some this morning). So they didn't stay in for very long, and went happily back to their pool.Someone had the bright idea today to set the girls' slide beside their pool so they could slide right in the water. They had a good time with that.

Parker is signalling "42" which looks like "24" since they had been playing football earlier and that was one of the plays, I guess...being silly.

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