Friday, August 26, 2011

Precious moments

Papa and I were laughing this morning about how we are constantly picking up the house and how it still seems to be just a mess of toys scattered everywhere. We always agree that we don't care what the house looks like, that we love every minute of time we get to spend with Ava and Harper. They are growing up so fast, changing every day. This morning we got to see another precious exchange between them-Ava had tripped and hurt her toe, she was sitting on the floor crying and Harper immediately stopped what she was doing, ran to Ava, squatted down in front of her and said "Awa, hurt?" Ava answered "Yeah, toe!" Harper said "Kiss it?" and Ava picked up her foot and Harper kissed it for her...Papa and I were about in tears watching them, the bond that they have is so amazing. They spent the night with us last night and when they got up and saw each other, their little faces lit up and they grinned, said "hi" and waved a tiny wave to each other. Papa got them all settled this morning with their rockers and blankets to watch "Caillou" while we fixed breakfast. (They had already done the Hokey Pokey with Elmo.) They slept in their clothes since they only had sleepers with them and our house was too warm for those.

Rielee got to go down to Cathy's and play with Jillian this morning, then Jillian came up to play with her. They had a great time teeter-tottering and swinging. It was cute, Grandpa Dan stopped by and offered gum to all the girls. Jillian didn't know what to do with it since she has never had gum, so she was just licking it.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away"-Anonymous

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