Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shoes and school

Rielee got out early today and she wanted to play school. She was the teacher, Papa was "Steve the student in detention", I was "the student with 2 little kids, Ava and Harper". She closed the blinds and said she was going to show us all a movie, but that scared the twins since they thought it might be nap time, so she lectured Papa about not getting anymore "yellow or red cards" and read us a story instead.
Harper and Ava like to pretend play, too. Today, Harper put on my shoes, and Ava was unhappy, so to solve the problem, I suggested to Ava that she wear the "new" shoes we had bought them (but we only found one pair on the clearance rack at Target). That didn't solve anything...then they both wanted the new shoes, this isn't a great picture of Ava,but this is what it came to. Each with one new shoe and one old shoe (and a purse) and everybody was happy!

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