Sunday, January 23, 2011

Rielee visiting Maggie

I took Rielee to visit with Maggie yesterday. When they gave Maggie to Nola (Doni's sister), one of the conditions was that Rielee could visit her once in awhile. Nola was at Doni's house visiting so we went over there. First we stopped at the Dollar store and bought some puppy treats and toys to give Maggie and Nola's other chihuahua Chip. Maggie definitely remembered Rielee and they played and played. Rielee was so sweet and asked Nola if she could be Chip's Mom, too, and maybe take care of both dogs when Nola takes a vacation. I was kind of nervous that Rielee might be upset when it was time to go, but she was fine. She is going shopping today for a hamster.
We went to Kelso this morning to watch Macee 's club volleyball but there wasn't much competetion so we came home so Papa could watch a little football. We will go back for their last match of the day against the 18's black, that should be a good one.

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