Monday, January 17, 2011

More "restaurant"

Rielee spent Sunday night with us since Gabe had to work today and Des was still in Eugene with Macee. All she wanted to do was play "restaurant" and she even convinced Papa to play along. She was "Samantha Johnson" who had worked in the restaurant for 10 years and had a little baby named Michael who stayed in the back with the cook and was a "very quiet" baby. Papa and I played several roles, but mostly were a high school cheerleader (Papa) and a basketball player (me)?? Oh my gosh, it was pretty funny...she has such an imagination, except that first thing this morning she was ready to play again. Auna came over and was a good sport, helping Rielee in the restaurant play. Rielee, I mean Samantha, did get preturbed with her, though, thinking she over-charged us ($243.12) for our meal when she filled out the ticket for her, fortunately we were able to just sign for it!
After that, the girls decided to do some drawing and coloring and made some cards to keep busy. Rielee also dusted and washed windows for me.

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