Monday, January 3, 2011

A frosty walk

I love these beautiful sunny days, because even though it's cold out, I can take the girls out for a short walk. I gave them a choice today, did they want a ride in their cars or to go for a walk and they took off so fast, in opposite directions! With a little corraling, they happily headed over to Uncle Alan's, but he and Aunt Vera were in town. I let them wander and run around for a little while, they really liked walking through the crunchy frozen grass. Harper cried when it was time to go inside. Today was their first day without bottles and they did really well, there was only one time before their nap when Harper went to the refrigerator and let me know she was thinking about one. We read a book instead, and she was fine. Kelly said they would still have their night bottles though for awhile, of course. I know it was time for them to give up the bottles, but it still made me sad to put them away, they are growing up so fast!
Back to school today for the other kids, Parker said it was horrible, Auna said it was boring, Rielee wished for half-days. Papa let Rielee have a "Big Papa" prize and took her for a BK milkshake after school. In her classroom they earn points and the high scorer every week gets to pick a prize from the "Big Mama"-a large treasure chest. Rielee has earned this several times so Papa decided it was time to reward her with his prize. Parker and Auna let him know that they wanted in on this deal, too, next time he picks them up from school.

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