Sunday, January 2, 2011

End of Christmas break

Parker was happy to see Auna when he got back from Sun River, he even admitted that he missed her. They came over with Rielee to see Ava and Harper, who were spending the night while their parents went to see "True Grit" (good movie, they said).
When the twins got out some pots and bowls to play with, Rielee was right there there helping them. The Dolans came over for awhile to visit, too. They brought a Pictionary card game with them, so we played a couple of games until Ava and Harper decided they wanted to play with the cards. It is a fun game, much easier to play than the drawing Pictionary.

The girls slept so well last night, Ava woke up once, and Harper slept 11 hours straight, yeah! They were really hungry for breakfast, but once again, wanted more off Papa's plate when he sat down to eat. This is getting to be a running joke with us because when they eat in the high chairs, after awhile they start acting like they are full and don't want any more, and the food will start getting dropped on the floor and rubbed in their hair if I don't let them out of their highchairs quickly enough. Then 5 minutes later they are begging for food from Papa like they are starving...and it is the very same food they just refused from me!
Auna and I took them out for a ride in their cars this morning, then we let them run around a little, except they kept running away from us. I think Auna was surprised at how quickly they can move. We met Charb at Target at 1:00, then went to watch Macee play some club v'ball.

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