Saturday, January 8, 2011

B'ball at Stevenson

The Barbies and Rielee watching the Pony parade
Rielee spent the night and she was up early this morning to get in some quality Barbie-playing time before she had to go home.
Harper and Ava didn't really watch any of the game, oh except Ava did watch the cheerleaders once.
The boys and girls basketball teams played at Stevenson tonight and both won, yes! We always have lots of family there, but tonight we had a really big bunch, I counted 25 family members watching the 4 cousins play, plus Kevin coaching the boys team.

Luke was pointing out the funny face Harper was making!

The twins were really pretty good at the games, except when Ava slipped off the bleacher and hit her chin on the backrest in front of her. That was my fault for letting her sit by Papa who looked away to watch a foul shot and forgot he had Ava beside him. Papa gets way too wrapped up in the games to keep his eyes on a toddler!

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