Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Curly heads

The girls were in chasing mode this morning after their baths. Papa was gone taking Rielee to school so I was trying to dress them by myself. They thought it was funny to run from me. I love how curly their hair is when it is just towel-dried. We had a good day, got them outside for a couple of walks and some stump-jumping. Ava discovered a little path through a flower bed and she thought it was really fun to navigate through it, Harper followed and they went back and forth, over and over. They went over to Uncle Alan's and saw him up fixing the roof, they were really blown away at the sight of him on the roof, Harper threw her hands up and yelled and ran towards him, then stopped and did it again, she was so excited she was shaking.
Here they are sitting in the recliner, looking at books and supposedly winding down before naptime. Not that they are ever wound down enough to go down willingly for a nap...

Harper coloring on the program, her favorite part of a basketball game. We took them to the girls game tonight. Papa stayed for the boys game but I decided to bring them home, even though they were being good, one game was enough.

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