Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Harper poses for pictures now!
Coloring has become one of the twins favorite activities these days. So we will add it to the list of things that make them scream with delight while they are here, which include:
going outside
the computer
bath time
brushing their teeth
seeing Max the dog

Things that make them unhappy:
diaper changes (although Ava has recently started to ask for her dirty diapers changed)
nap time (even spelling it upsets them)
Oh, and when they wake up, they want to stay with whoever picks them up, if I pick up Ava, she won't go to Papa, Harper is the same way, there is no swapping kids, ever.
But mostly, they are very happy girls, playing more together and "talking" or jabbering to each other all the time. If one of them is doing something in the other room, she will yell something to her sister, not anything we can understand, and the other will run in there to see what is going on. It is so funny and fascinating to watch.

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