Thursday, January 20, 2011

Harper helping Ava wash her hair, one of the benefits of having a twin sister.
Ava put Big Dog in the highchair this afternoon and then worked and worked to try to buckle him in. When Harper didn't want to have a snack, Ava had one with Big Dog.

We had heard about the girls spontaneously showing affection for each other at home, but today we saw it for ourselves. Oh, they will always kiss and hug each other for us when we prompt them, but today, Ava was working on buckling her little dog in the high chair and Harper came over, put her arm around her and just started giving her kisses. Ava turned around and kissed her back and by the time I got my camera she was back to buckling. It was the sweetest thing to see.
Cathy brought Jillian up to play with the girls for a little while today. They didn't remember her and just kind of followed her around at first. They were starting to warm up to her when Cathy got a call from Bob that Bridget was awake and crying, time to get home.
We met Charb at the girl's basketball game in Ridgefield (they won), but he only stayed until the end of the 1st quarter, both girls were very tired and getting fussy.

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