Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Barbie house

I set up the Barbie house for the girls in the living room today since the playroom is still out of commission. It is just the right height for them to stand and play at, and although they don't play with the Barbies much, they do play with all the other assorted dolls and animals, covering them up in the bed and putting them in the bathroom. I showed them how to sit a couple Barbies on the toy couch but then Harper tried to sit on it with them.
Ava playing peek-a-boo behind the house. They also thought it was funny that they could put things through the windows.
The girls really got into clean-up mode today. They had bowls and kitchen utensils scattered all over and I said it time to clean-up and they went in and put everything away! Papa had given Ava a magazine to look at, when she was done with one page and crumpled it all up, she walked in and put it in the trash, on her own, without being asked or anyone even mentioning it, we were pretty amazed at that!

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