Saturday, January 22, 2011


We started using a regular carseat with one of the girls this week, since Heather returned to work and they needed their carseat base back (which we totally forgot borrowing!!). This transition has proven somewhat trying, since the twin in the new carseat must be unbuckled and transferred to our car, then packed into our house. We didn't have any luck keeping them both asleep after this, so they were up and running at 6:30 a.m., which requires an earlier nap, a much earlier nap. The first day we stayed on our usual nap schedule and they were overly tired. Today we put them down earlier and that worked much better.
I took a video of Harper yesterday on the way back home, she was "reading" a book, she has been jabbering a lot lately. Papa's job this weekend is to study the carseat manual so he can correctly install it facing backwards.

After we took them home, we went to watch the Rocket boys basketball team beat Ridgefield, one of the most exciting games we've seen in a long time!

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