Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Visitors=happy twins

Ava and Harper are always excited to see Rielee in the morning, even if it is only for a few minutes before she leaves for school. The leaving part is pretty tough for them though, they don't want her to leave and it's like they are saying are yelling "hey, why can't we go outside, too?"
Our next visitors were Aunt Laury and Max, and boy oh boy, they love to see that big dog. Of course, they like seeing Laury, too.
Then, more excitement when Uncle Alan showed up to visit and play with them in the afternoon. Here they are playing a "cover up the baby" game. He made the mistake of forgetting his EasyShare today and that was the first thing they wanted from him.

After school, Auna came over to see them. They were pretty tired at this point and a little tussle broke out over who got to sit on Auna's lap. But then she sat down with both of them and played Starfall and everyone was happy again. Getting them in their carseats was a major battle today since they were having fun with her and did not want to stop playing, once I got them buckled though, they settled right down, and were asleep by the time we got to the freeway.

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