Friday, December 10, 2010


Charb brought the girls up to us since he was going hunting with his Dad. He stopped back by to play with them before he went home, and the girls got to stay and spend the night with us.
Rielee and Parker also came over instead of going to Rochester for Macee's game. Rielee wanted to color and Ava and Harper were ready to color, too. Rielee also wanted to take a bath with them, but the twins weren't liking having her in there with them, so they bailed out as soon as Rielee got in.

Parker spent most of his time on Study Island, Ava and Harper were happy to sit on Auna's lap and watch, probably hoping Starfall would start soon. They seem to be getting slightly obsessed with the computer, and can't be left alone with it or else they are clicking and pounding on the keyboard. I could hear them in there squealing and pounding on the keys today, and when I checked on them, Ava was on the keyboard, Harper clicking the mouse and somehow they had managed to get on EBay! They were so excited that they had something on the monitor, even if it wasn't Starfall.

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