Monday, December 27, 2010

G'ma 190 PK 132

It was one of those days when I didn't think to pick up the camera, so I'll put an old picture here for fun, the twins last December. They are looking as identical these days as they do in this picture.
Parker was anxious to take me over to his house this morning to see his new basketball double shootout game. First we played 1 minutes games and he beat me 2 out of 3 games. Then he wanted to play a 5 minute game, and I won 190-132, he was not very happy and didn't want to play me anymore! I was happy about that because my arm was sore anyway. Then he showed me some hunting game he got for the Wii but I didn't care for that at all and wasn't about to play it with him, so we headed back home. He was doing some math games on the computer and asked for help, from me, oh no, so I studied area and perimeter with him and he got a high score on the lesson once I helped him a little. It is so nice that he finally enjoys math, it was always his worst subject before this year.
Rielee had a fun day, first she went down to Cathy's to play with Jillian, and when she got home from there she went over to Auna's to play with her and cousin Gracie.

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