Monday, December 6, 2010

Ava's nose dive

Ava was asking to go outside this morning when it was still dark, so she and Harper were happy to be able to play outside in the sunshine this afternoon. They are very interested in cones and sticks and just wandering around in general, usually in different directions. They were picking up cones and sticks and putting them on the bench.
Ava tried to navigate over some rocks and literally did a "nose" dive. She landed in some soft dirt and was more surprised than hurt, didn't cry but looked pretty funny.

Daddy's girls looked so cute in their Batman and Superman shirts. I have the hardest time trying to get a picture of them together these days that isn't blurry since they are so wiggly and in constant motion. They seem to run everywhere all the time now, and really fast if they happen to get a hold of something they aren't supposed to have--then the chase is on!

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