Monday, December 13, 2010


Uncle went to Mossyrock this morning to watch Auna play basketball. He was very impressed with her playing and said she was doing really well handling the ball.
When he got home we went out in the rain and got very wet getting our tree. Rielee and Emmy showed up just in time to help me decorate it. I told Emmy that our 5' tree is like the baby of their 10' tree. It's small but still pretty.

Charb called and asked if the twins could spend the night since Kelly's Mom came down with pneumonia and had to be hospitalized. While we were waiting for them, Emmy and I went through a couple of photo albums to figure out what year they last had Christmas Eve at their house (1998).

We were really anxious to see what the twins would do with the tree. They were still half-asleep from their car ride and were very subdued, and just stood and looked at it. Finally, Harper grabbed a snowman ornament to look at up close, but they didn't really pay much attention to it.
They didn't touch the presents either.

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