Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas break sleepover #2

Harper looking at all of the airplanes in Uncle Alan's shop. We took them for a ride in their cars today, but it was kind of cold out so we just went over to see Alan and let him know the girls were spending the night. He came over later to visit.

Oh, I forgot to put this in, the girls found the Hokey Pokey Elmo this morning and it was a real dance party, so funny:

Emmy pointing out cousin Will's picture to Ava at the Rockets game vs. Montesano tonight. The girls were very good at the game, it helped to have Auna and Emmy there to entertain them. They colored for a long time, preferring to color on the program instead of their color book.

This is how Emmy entertained them, over and over. When Emmy would try to take a break, Harper would poke her in the arm and then point to her mouth until she blew another bubble for her to pop.

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