Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Part 1

Gabe, Des and the kids came over for breakfast at 8:00, we had biscuits and gravy, we always have biscuits and gravy, but this year Parker also requested spudatos, too. First we all opened our stockings, then it was on to the presents.
Rielee had asked me for a sock monkey because I recently made one for Parker. I found some pink socks to make hers out of(and one for Auna also). I also gave Rielee and her monkey matching p.j.'s, but she quickly changed her monkey's jammies to the tutu and a shirt that said "I love Rielee" on the front (something she asked for). Macee and Parker were happy with their gifts, Parker was easy to please with NY Giants stuff.
Our day started out crazy, with another broken pipe! Fortunately, we had just gotten up and caught it quickly, the only damage was a wet closet floor and a whole bunch of wet towels. This time it was caused by a rushed plumbing job, big oops there, dear made making breakfast sort of a challenge but didn't dampen our Christmas spirit one bit!

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