Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Part 2

Our Christmas morning continued as we headed down to Camas to open gifts with Charb and Kelly and the kids. Same process, stockings then presents. Luke made a haul with Boise State stuff, and lots of other sports-themed gear.
Ava seemed to think that sitting on the package was the best way to open it. The girls weren't that excited to open presents until Kelly actually started tearing the paper for them, then they would help. As each gift was opened, they wanted to play with it and didn't care if there were more waiting.
They got a new baby and highchair and spent a lot of time feeding her. They were also very excited by two new puzzles, new blocks, and a set of 4 puppy puppets.

Lexi got tons of Abercrombie clothes, and another of her gifts was an interactive globe. One gift she was very happy with was a volleyball.

We had a wonderful Christmas morning with our lovely kids and grandkids!

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