Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New stuff

Auna in her Spirit Fairy skirt last night at Will's game, but even with supporters like her in the stands, the Rockets lost to White Pass/Morton in the last seconds of the game. Will played a good game, scoring 15 points. Some new things today, Rielee (who had early release today) brought over her Little Mommy doll that coos and moves its arms and head. Ava and Harper were fascinated with it, and took turns packing it around, kissing and hugging it. Rielee also got out the Play Doh, and the girls tried tasting it, yuck, and squishing it, but were more interested in the doll, oh, and the little stuffed dog that Rielee spotted under the entertainment center and rescued for them. It had been "missing" for awhile so they were glad to see it again...

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