Thursday, June 24, 2010


Parker and Boris survived their night in the treehouse just fine, in fact they told me that they woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night and threw a pop can out the window and tried to shoot it with their airsoft guns...I thought wow, I wonder if that's what woke me up at 3:00 in the morning? They came in about 7:00 for breakfast then headed right back out to the treehouse to hang out. For lunch they made a fire so we could have hotdogs and smores. Rielee is happy in this picture for 2 reasons. First, she is wearing one of the new Hello Kitty outfits she got for her birthday, and two, she is drinking a Ginger Ale, which is pretty rare around Grandma's house. Since it was a super nice sunny day, the kids all went swimming in the pool, even though it was only about 68 degrees. Having the hot tub makes it a lot more tolerable, and they went back and forth between the two. They were so happy to be in the pool, even though the flying ants came out later and were bugging them, they still stayed in there.

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