Friday, June 11, 2010


Ava had a bad diaper rash today, so she took a long soda bath in the morning. It seemed to help some because she didn't seem bothered by the rash at all after that.
Rielee entertained the twins by pulling them around in the little Duplo cart, after she sat in it herself, of course. Papa and I were reluctant to let her do it, but they seemed to love it. The twins were asleep when Rielee got home from school, so she wanted, once again, to play "Mom and Sister", she being the Mom. Today I got a baby brother named Andrew (her baby doll), and he made the rounds of all the baby equipment. Every time we play this, she pretends she is calling my "coach" to talk about me going to practice. I love this pretend play with her, she has such an active imagination. It always cracks me up because I don't have a name, just "sister", although she's supposed to be my Mom?
And then, tonight was Norma's graduation, something she has looked forward to all year. In Italy they don't have a ceremony for completion of high school, it is just expected that all students will graduate, so she really was excited to experience everything here.
It was a nice graduation, although very long. Emmy went with us to see some of her old friends from high school who were graduating. She couldn't get over the fact that a year ago she was there.

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