Friday, June 25, 2010

Babies and a puppy

This is Ava's latest puckered pose, she gives kisses now, too.
We had a fun-filled day with the twins. Papa picked them up at 8:30, so I took Rielee and Parker to a couple of 8:00 garage sales. Rielee scored, finding a "like-new" dog crate for $6. Now she has everything she needs except a dog. When we got back the babies were here, so Papa took Parker to a couple more garage sales and I fixed breakfast for the girls.
They are still crawling and standing but no steps today. This is how they crawl, always taking things along with them. Ava was thrilled to have gotten ahold of a remote today, always there favorite thing to grab.

This was them when we loaded them up to head for home-very tired and grumpy-looking. Harper made it until almost 2 today before she finally napped.

Big news! Rielee finally got her puppy tonight! She named her Maggie Sparkles Gourde, she is a Chihuahua/Maltese mix (I think that's what they said) and she is tiny. Rielee said that she fit in her doll stroller just right...thankfully they have Marta and Norma around for a couple more weeks to help out with the training (their Dad is a dog breeder/kennel owner so they have some experience with dogs).

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