Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rielee's day

Rielee celebrated her 5th birthday with a Hello Kitty bowling party at Split's. She had her party a little early since they will be at the houseboat over the weekend.

Her bowling form was kind of a sideways throw, but she managed to get one spare which was celebrated with high-5's and whooping and hollering by her and her little friends. Parker and Auna were hooked on the Deal or No Deal Game, and kept running from that to the bowling.

This was before bathtime this morning, the twins thought it was fun when Rielee was zooming around in the walker, and had to get up there and see what was going on.

Rielee is officially a kindergartener now, and she had her end of the year pre-school picnic today. We went and took the twins, so Rielee could show them off to her friends and teachers, something she has wanted to do all year. It was starting to sprinkle and the twins got heavy fast, so I didn't take any pictures. We took off early and left Des and Rielee there to enjoy all the food and fun.

Emmy with Ava (drool and all) and Harper (with a fist full of Em's hair)

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