Saturday, June 19, 2010

5 years ago

No new pictures so I thought I'd find one from 5 years ago today when Rielee was born. Looking at it reminds me of how I worried because her hands stayed blue for so long after she was born, I was afraid something was wrong with her circulation. It eventually went away though and she was fine. I talked to her briefly tonight when they called "from the hill near the houseboat" where they can get cell phone reception. She was having a good birthday but the weather was crummy, so they may come home tomorrow if it doesn't clear up.
Rain, I am so sick of it. We have a fire, for criminy sakes, on June 19th, this is ridiculous!! On the up side, it is interesting to see so much growth on the plants, especially new ones I've planted which normally would have been struggling by now. Feels almost like we're living in a rain forest...

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