Thursday, June 10, 2010


A day of celebrations, first Norma's family arrived from Italy. Sister Marta and Dad Aldo. Norma was so thrilled to see them. Marta speaks English really quite well but has a thick accent, she understands if you speak slowly. Aldo speaks a little English. They brought Papa a stein filled with coffee candies, and Italian coffee for me. Aldo will be here for 10 days and is looking forward to seeing Seattle. Marta will stay for a month and return home with Norma July 6th. She hopes to improve her English while she is here, and the deal is that Norma cannot speak Italian to Marta, only English, so she will learn more.
And this is the wreath Laury made for the other Celebration we had today, the one honoring Mark's life. It was held at a very charming hall in Chehalis that was very full of family and friends, pictures, flowers, a wonderful potluck, and a whole lot of love for Mark.

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