Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Harper stands up

This is what our morning looked like-Emmy was up bright and early as was Alan. We all spend a lot of time on the floor these days entertaining the girls. If you look close, you will notice that Rielee is in the walker, she just had to get in it and try it out, something she has wanted to do from day one.
So much for trying to put the babies down for naps, we decided that just wasn't working. The new system requires holding them down on your lap until they stop fighting and settle down, then they fall right to sleep. Staying asleep is another story though, today they slept for a whole hour and that was it for the day.
Harper impressed Auna and I this afternoon when she got up from a sitting position on the floor and then stood there balancing. She did it 3 times in a row. They have often let go from the furniture and stood balancing, but this is the first time we've seen this trick.

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