Thursday, June 3, 2010

Babies and butterflies

Our day started out differently when Harper woke up as soon as we got home but Ava slept for another 45 minutes. We had time to fix breakfast and feed Harper first with no rush, which was kind of nice for a change. Then when Ava woke up she got to eat solo, too. Not seeing the twins for a week, we noticed lots of changes in them. For one, Harper is patty-caking now. They are interacting more, smiling and squealing at each other as they crawl around exploring together. Both of them are getting up on their knees alot, and Harper will kneel with one foot down like she is ready just to stand up from that position. They are walking along the furniture, and letting go and balancing, too. They are busy, busy girls, and if one gets tired and wants to be held, the other is right there, too.

What a time we had trying to get a 10 month picture of them together. Harper pretty much refused to smile big at anything Papa did, yet Ava thought he was hilarious.

We got an excited phone call from Rielee after she went home today--2 of her butterflies had emerged! She was so thrilled and wanted to show them to us. She put sections of oranges in the house for them to eat.

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