Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rielee and Maggie

You will never see a little girl more thrilled with a puppy than Rielee is with Maggie. She did everything for her today, from feeding her to cleaning up after her, but most of all, worrying about her. We left Maggie at home while we ran in to Target to get some toys and treats for her, and the whole time we were gone, Rielee just wanted to hurry and get home to her.
Rielee had to be told to put Maggie down once in awhile, she just wants to pack her around and hold her all the time. When she calls her, she says "Maggie, come to Mama". This morning when we took her out to potty, Rielee said, "do you have a full bladder, Maggie?" and then told me how she can feel her belly and if it's warm, that means she has a full bladder, which cracked me up, she listened to her Mom, I think. Papa said maybe she's like a mini-dog whisperer...

The kids have bets on how long Rielee's infatuation with Maggie will last, from 4 days (Norma) to a week (Macee and Marta)...but if today is any indication, I think she will prove them all wrong. And even Papa and I have to admit, Maggie is pretty darned cute.

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